
Joyful Celebrations | Unwrapping Christmas In Vietnam

While Christmas is not an official public holiday in Vietnam, it has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among the country’s Christian community, which accounts for over 7 million people. The festive spirit of Christmas can be felt throughout Vietnam, especially in major cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Christmas celebrations in Vietnam, highlighting the unique blend of Vietnamese culture and Western traditions. It will delve into the history of Christmas in Vietnam, explore the various customs and practices observed during this festive season, and discuss the growing significance of Christmas as a cultural phenomenon.

Festive Christmas atmosphere spread across big cities in Vietnam | Nhan Dan  Online

Does Vietnamese People Celebrate Christmas?

Vietnamese people celebrate Christmas, even though it is not an official public holiday in the country. The celebration of Christmas in Vietnam has grown in popularity in recent years, particularly among the country’s Christian community, which accounts for over 7 million people. The festive spirit of Christmas can be felt throughout Vietnam, especially in major cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

The celebration of Christmas in Vietnam is inclusive and diverse, reflecting the country’s rich cultural heritage. While the holiday is often associated with Western traditions, Vietnamese people have also incorporated their own unique customs and practices into the celebrations. For example, many Vietnamese families enjoy traditional Vietnamese dishes during Christmas dinner. Additionally, Vietnamese people have their own version of Santa Claus, called Ông già Noel.

Vietnamese Christmas foods: What to eat and where to dine

History Of Christmas In Vietnam

The history of Christmas in Vietnam is a fascinating tale of cultural exchange and adaptation, reflecting the country’s rich heritage and openness to different traditions. Let’s delve into the captivating story of how Christmas came to Vietnam and how it has evolved over the years.

Historical Context And Introduction Of Christmas In Vietnam

The history of Christmas in Vietnam dates back to the 17th century when the first Catholic missionaries arrived in the country. Initially, Christianity was met with resistance from the ruling dynasties, who viewed it as a foreign and potentially subversive religion. However, over time, Christianity gained a foothold in Vietnam, particularly in the southern regions.

By the late 19th century, Christmas had become a significant celebration among Vietnamese Catholics, who were primarily concentrated in the southern provinces. The French colonization of Vietnam further facilitated the spread of Catholicism and Christmas customs. During this period, Christmas became a symbol of French culture and influence in Vietnam.

After the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 and the reunification of the country under communist rule, Christmas celebrations were somewhat suppressed. The government viewed Christianity with suspicion and sought to promote Vietnamese culture over Western ones. However, despite these restrictions, Christmas continued to be celebrated privately by Vietnamese Christians.

Xmas spirit in Vietnam amazes foreign visitors - VnExpress International

Evolution Of Christmas Traditions Over The Years

In recent years, Christmas has experienced a resurgence in popularity in Vietnam, thanks in part to the country’s economic reforms and increased openness to foreign influences. The holiday has become increasingly commercialized, with businesses offering a wide range of Christmas-themed products and services.

Today, Christmas in Vietnam is celebrated by both Christians and non-Christians alike. Major cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are decked out in festive lights and decorations, and shopping malls and department stores are filled with Christmas shoppers. While the religious aspects of Christmas remain important to many Vietnamese Christians, the holiday has also become a time for family gatherings, gift-giving, and general merriment.

The evolution of Vietnamese Christmas traditions reflects the country’s changing social and cultural landscape. From its initial association with French colonialism to its current status as a popular commercial holiday, Christmas has adapted and transformed, becoming an integral part of Vietnam’s festive calendar.

Christmas in Vietnam -

Top 5 Things To Do In Christmas In Vietnam

As the festive season approaches, Vietnam transforms into a captivating winter wonderland, blending traditional customs with Western Christmas traditions. From the twinkling lights adorning the streets to the heartwarming melodies of Christmas carols, the country exudes a spirit of joy and celebration. As you embark on your adventure of Christmas in Vietnam, here are the top five things to do to immerse yourself in the merriment and embrace the festive spirit.

1. Decorate The House With Christmas Trees And Items

One of the most popular customs of celebrating Christmas in Vietnam is to decorate the house with Christmas trees and other festive items. The trees are becoming increasingly popular in Vietnamese homes, and many people also enjoy decorating their homes with Christmas lights, garlands, and ornaments.

In addition to traditional Christmas decorations, many Vietnamese people also incorporate Vietnamese elements into their festive décor. For example, some people decorate their Christmas trees with small Vietnamese lanterns or hang Vietnamese picture scrolls on their walls a few days prior to Christmas in Vietnam.

Well off Vietnamese families go to town on Xmas decorations - VnExpress  International

2. Visit Churches And Attend Christmas Mass

For Vietnamese Christians, Christmas is a time to attend church and celebrate the birth of baby Jesus Christ. Many churches in Vietnam hold special midnight mass services, which include singing hymns, readings from the Bible, and a traditional Christmas sermon.

Attending Midnight mass is a way for Vietnamese Christians to connect with their faith and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. It is also a time for families to come together, share in the spirit of the season, and wish each other Merry Christmas.

Hanoi church prepares for Christmas celebration,hanoi church prepares for christmas  celebration

3. Organize A Vietnamese-style Christmas Party

Vietnamese Christmas decorations are typically more colorful and vibrant than Western Christmas decorations. Red is a popular color, as it is associated with luck and happiness. You can also use other traditional Vietnamese colors such as gold, green, and purple.

Vietnam was once part of the French Empire, and this can still be seen in the country’s Christmas culture. For example, many Catholic churches have a large nativity scene, or “crèche,” with life-size statues of Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, the shepherds, and animals. In some areas of Ho Chi Minh City, especially in Catholic parishes, people have large nativity scenes in front of their houses and decorate the whole street, turning it into a Christmas wonderland.

The Vietnamese people are known for their generosity, and this is evident during the Vietnam Christmas season. People give gifts to their loved ones and enjoy the festivities. Children are especially excited about Christmas in Vietnam, and they often leave out their shoes on Christmas Eve hoping that Santa Claus will fill them with goodies.

Why Vietnamese Love To Put Baby Jesus In A Cave At Christmas | Vietcetera

4. Enjoy Christmas Food

On Christmas Eve, Vietnamese Christians attend a Midnight Mass at their local church. After the Midnight Mass, they return home to a festive Christmas dinner. The dinner typically consists of hot soup, seafood fried rice, roasted turkey, and desserts such as Christmas pudding.

After dinner, many Vietnamese people, especially young people, go into the city center to celebrate Christmas Eve. The streets are crowded with people and there is a festive atmosphere. Some people enjoy the Christmas lights and decorations on display at big hotels and department stores. Others go to cafes and restaurants to enjoy a snack or a drink and say Merry Christmas to one another.

Vietnamese Christmas foods: What to eat and where to dine

5. Attend Festive Events And Celebrations

Many cities in Vietnam, especially Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, host festive events and celebrations during Christmas. These events include Christmas markets, tree-lighting ceremonies, and concerts on Christmas Day.

Christmas markets are a great place to find unique gifts and souvenirs. They also offer a variety of food and drinks, as well as live entertainment to celebrate Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Eve, Vietnamese people exchange gifts with their loved ones. Children often receive gifts from Santa Claus. In recent years, the tradition of giving Christmas cards has also become more popular.

Tree-lighting ceremonies are a popular way to kick off the Christmas season. These ceremonies often feature music, dancing, and fireworks on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day concerts are a great way to enjoy traditional Christmas music. They also feature performances by local and international artists.

Hà Nội lung linh sắc màu đón Giáng sinh

Top 3 Churchs To Visit During Christmas In Vietnam

During this special time of year, churches across the country come alive with festive decorations and special services, offering a glimpse into the unique blend of Vietnamese and Western Christmas spirit. Here are the top three churches to visit during Christmas in Vietnam to experience the magic and splendor of the season:

St. Joseph’s Cathedral – Hanoi

St. Joseph’s Cathedral is a beautiful neo-Gothic cathedral located in the heart of Hanoi. It is the oldest church in the city and is one of the most iconic landmarks of Vietnam.

At the heart of this enchanting spectacle stands a towering Christmas tree, its branches laden with ornaments that shimmer under the soft glow of fairy lights. The tree, a symbol of hope and joy, serves as a beacon of cheer to welcome all who seek solace and celebrate Christmas Eve during this special time of year.

During Christmas in Vietnam, the cathedral is transformed into a winter wonderland, with twinkling lights, colorful decorations, and a giant Christmas tree. The cathedral also holds special Christmas services, which are open to everyone.

Within the cathedral’s hallowed halls, the air resonates with the harmonious melodies of Christmas carols, sung with heartfelt devotion by the faithful. The cathedral’s choir, their voices blending in perfect harmony, fills the space of Christmas Day with a sense of profound tranquility and reverence.

Churches across Vietnam get decked out for Xmas

Tan Dinh Church – Ho Chi Minh City

Perched amidst the vibrant tapestry of Ho Chi Minh City’s District 3, Tan Dinh Church stands as a captivating embodiment of architectural brilliance and spiritual serenity. Its distinctively pink façade, a departure from the traditional solemnity of religious edifices, has earned it the moniker “Nha Tho Mau,” or “Pink Church,” a name that has become synonymous with the church’s unique charm.

As Christmas approaches, Tan Dinh Church sheds its customary elegance and transforms into a captivating winter wonderland. Twinkling lights adorn its exterior, draping the church in a mesmerizing veil of illumination. Festive ornaments, each a testament to the artistry of local artisans, adorn its walls, transforming the church into a whimsical spectacle.

As the festive season reaches its peak, the area surrounding Tan Dinh Church transforms into a bustling hub of Christmas cheer. The streets come alive with the vibrant colors of Christmas decorations, while the air fills with the enticing aroma of seasonal treats. Vendors offer an array of handcrafted gifts and delectable delicacies, tempting passersby to indulge in the festive spirit.

Families gather around the church grounds, their faces aglow with the warmth of Christmas lights. Children, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement, soak in the magical ambiance, their spirits soaring with the infectious joy that permeates the atmosphere.


Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral – Ho Chi Minh City

Amidst the bustling heart of Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1, Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral stands as a majestic embodiment of architectural grandeur and spiritual reverence. Its imposing Romanesque structure, crafted from red brick and adorned with intricate carvings, has earned it the moniker “Nhà Thờ Lớn,” or “Great Church,” a name that aptly captures its towering presence within the city’s skyline.

During Christmas in Vietnam, the cathedral is transformed into a dazzling spectacle of lights and colors. The surrounding area is also filled with Christmas markets, food stalls, and live entertainment. Christmas services at Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral are a popular attraction for both locals and tourists. The cathedral’s vast nave, adorned with festive decorations, welcomes a multitude of faithful seeking solace, celebration, and the enduring spirit of love, compassion, and hope that Christmas embodies.

Nhà thờ Đức Bà đón Noel (Giáng sinh) | Notre-Dame Cathedral … | Flickr

Are You Ready To Immerse In The Local Culture During The Holiday Season?

Christmas in Vietnam is a unique and vibrant celebration that blends traditional Vietnamese customs with Western Christmas traditions. While the religious aspects of Christmas are important to many Vietnamese Christians, the holiday has also become a popular cultural celebration that is enjoyed by people of all faiths and backgrounds.

If you are planning to visit Vietnam during the Christmas season, I encourage you to immerse yourself in the local culture and experience Christmas the Vietnamese way. You will be sure to have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

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